If it quacks like a duck , its a DUCK!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Anambra North declares " its our turn to produce next governor in 2014"

Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka, hardly needs anyone's validation. But if ever he needed one, the people of Anambra North senatorial zone provided that for him last week.
Speaking during an interview about a separate matter, Soyinka said, "Wherever you witness a case of ‘It’s MINE, and no other’s’, ‘it’s OURS, not theirs’, at various levels of vicarious ownership, such aggressive voices, ninety percent of the time, are bound to be Nigerians. It is what plagues Nigeria at the moment – it’s MY/OUR turn to rule"
Happenings all across the country, and especially in Anambra state proves Soyinka right.
The people of Anambra North senatorial zone exhibited the syndrome last week as 12 Anambra governorship aspirants from the zone met secretly.
The meeting was  attended by traditional rulers in the zone and aspirants, and according to a report by The Nation newspaper, the main issue was on how to be united in their quest and reject deputy governorship slot from all quarters. They vowed not to accept anything short of the governorship slot as they will deal with whoever betrays them.
The Secretary to the State Government, Osaeloka Obaze, who attended the meeting said: “Anambra North Traditional Rulers and gubernatorial aspirants from the zone held a parley recently to strategise on 2014.
“The meeting happened behind closed doors and each aspirant was allowed to bring only two aides.
“There were no press briefings or communiques after the event. Consequently, both allies agreed that the people of Anambra North deserved to produce the next governor and therefore reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring that the next governor comes from the zone.
“They agreed to work in concert to achieve their common purpose. They welcomed the tranquil political climate in Anambra State. “They expressed thanked Governor Peter Obi and all those who steadfastly support their cause. They resolved to remain united in their aspiration.”

by Paul Osas

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