If it quacks like a duck , its a DUCK!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

POLITRICKS of Religion and Dichotomy by Peter Obi in Anambra State Exposed***Photos**


The Governor saved the Money for this election campaign season but the fact is that he is secretly bribing the churches using your money to elect himself for the 3rd term  using his stooge Obiano !

Yes Peter Obi is at it again, bribing  Catholic priests with donations to conjure their  congregation for APGA votes, He has used this tactic many times in the past .If you recall Gov Peter  Obi sponsored a heated  News head line in the  Daily Champion newspaper on Monday the 23rd of March 2009 claiming that  ‘Pope Benedict XVI has commended his First term and his ANIDS, and went further to endorse him for 2nd term, All these were later revealed to be a Fluke!

This Peter’s shameless and false use of Pope Benedict XVI’s name also came at the heels of a denial by the Knights of St John that they endorsed Mr. Obi for second term then . In their own denial of ever supporting Peter Obi, the Knights wrote that it amounted to blackmail for their order which is a non partisan one to be dragged into such controversy by the Peter Obi regime. What else can the Governor do with religion in this 3rd term bid , using Obiano as his stooge and Puppet? Meanwhile this is the Politricks of the so called ANIDS seen below.
                                             LILIACFIRE  IGNITES THE TRUTH FOR YOU TO SEE!!                                    

Gov Peter Obi in Jerusalem,  Israel armed with his CHAPLET

ALL PROGRESSIVES GRAND ALLIANCE (APGA), is a legal political party which has been converted against the will of the people to AGULU PROGRESSIVES GRAND ALLIANCE (APGA) by the blind ambition and affairs of Mr. Peter Obi. The philosophy and objective of ALL PROGRESSIVES GRAND ALLIANCE is to pursue, champion and entrench (i)Truth (ii)Honesty (iii)Good Conscience (iv)Level Playing Field and equal opportunity for all (v)Rule by the People (vi)Majority Rule (vii) Rule of law, (viii)True Democracy (ix) To Promote the Co-existence of the Different Religions (x) To establish Conditions and an environment under which Nigerians will practice tolerance with one another as good neighbours, and work together for mutual respect and understanding, and elimination of all forms of discrimination.
Agulu Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) is an illegal political party headed by Mr. Peter Obi whose philosophy and objective is to pursue, champion and actualize the Agulunization of the legal political party, 

ALL PROGRESSIVES GRAND ALLIANCE and the state of ANAMBRA, through nepotism, blind ambition, religious bigotry and intolerance. A little Anaocha history here will be relevant. Anaocha L.G.A has 3 clans vis: 
(1)Agulu clan: Agulu & Aguluzigbo 
(2)Umunri Clan: Nri
(3)Aguinyi Clan: the remaining 7 towns in Anaocha.
Agulu Clan: Agulu and Aguluzigbo are brothers. Aguluzigbo is the first son of Agulu senior who had 21 sons that make up the 21 villages in Agulu. In the course of time, Aguluzigbo, the first son, sought and gained autonomy from his brothers and settled at the transit route to the famous town called Igboukwu. That inspired his brothers to call him Aguluzigbo ie Agulu with transit route to Igboukwu. The remaining younger brothers then make up the 20 villages in Agulu today.
The implication is that Victor Umeh , Mike Egbebuike, Ego Uzoezie and Kay Onyechi are from Agulu clan.
Here are the three ambitions of Peter Obi which he has systematically executed to the point of creating a major crisis and explosive grassroots disenchantment that will ignite into uncontrollable fire that will completely burn APGA into ashes.
Plan (A): The Mission of the Agulunization of Anambra State started in 2002 when Peter Obi joined APGA. He bought over the party and made sure that no party primaries were organized. This was to humiliate Okey Nwosu (Ikoro Awka) whom many believed was the man who introduced and built the structure of APGA in Anambra State.
Plan (B): Was to take over the party leadership. These same elements conspired and dislodged Chekwas Okorie as the National Chairman of the party.This brought about the emergence of Victor Umeh as the National Chairman of APGA thereby Peter Obi succeeded in enthroning an Agulu man at the leadership of the party. Yet today the impunity and the recklessness of Peter Obi in treating APGA political party as a personal property far exceeds that of Chekwas Okorie for which he was removed. Victor Umeh simply allows the abuses either out of gross weakness and incompetence, or as part of the Agulunisation agenda.
Plan (C): Is the appointment and positioning of Agulu indigenes in strategic key public offices for the actuallisation of the selfish ambitions of Peter Obi, and gross reckless nepotism, which is criminal. 

Specific examples include:
1. Mr. Peter Obi – Governor Anambra State – Agulu.

2. Senator Joy Emeordi – Fmr Senator rep. Anambra North zone – Agulu
3. Prof. Dora Akunyili – Minister of Information – Agulu 
4. Chief Victor Umeh - National Chairman APGA – Agulu .
5. Hon. Sylvester Okeke – Member Representing Anaocha 1 constituency Anambra House of Assembly – Agulu
6. Hon. Joe Dimobi – Member Representing Anaocha II Constituency Anambra House of Assembly – Agulu clan
7. Mr. Mike Egbebuike – Commissioner for Environment - Agulu clan.
8. Dr. Mrs. Ego Uzoezie - Commissioner for women Affairs - Agulu clan.
9. Dr. Mrs. Kay Onyechi - Commissioner for Education - Agulu clan.
10. Hon. Silver Nwobu Alor – Senior Special Adviser to the Governor on parks and markets – Agulu. 
11. Chief Ben Obi (Mbuze Agulu) — Senior Special Adviser to the Governor on Internal Party matters – Agulu.
12. Barr. Val. Obienyem - Senior Special Adviser to the Governor on Media - Agulu. 
13. Barr. Emenike Obi – Principal Secretary to the Governor – Agulu.
14. Ichie Cyprian Ezeani – Special Assistance to the Governor on Education - Agulu.
15. Mr. Ferdinand Obi - P.A to the Governor – Agulu.
16. Mrs. Ebele - Personal secretary to the Governor – Agulu
17. Mr. Egbebuike (Gbazuoagu) – State Youth Leader APGA – Agulu
18. Mr. Ejesieme (Onyeuno)-Chairman APGA Ambassadors- Agulu
19. Alex Ibekwe - South East Vice Chairman, National Youth Council of Nigeria (National Officer) - Agulu
20. Hon. Kenechukwu Agajelu (Nwaeze Anaocha) – Chairman National Youth Council of Nigeria, Anaocha LGA – Agulu.
• The Agulunization programme also manisfested in other party structures especially blue chip parties as thus:
21. Mr. Ifeanyi Orji (Anyi White) – APGA Chairman Anaocha LGA – Agulu 
22. Chief Ben Okoye – PDP Chairman Anaocha LGA – Agulu
23. Chief Ugochukwu Egbobe – ACN Chairman Anaocha LGA – Agulu 
24. Mr. Anazodo – Labour Party Chairman Anaocha LGA – Agulu.
• The Agulunization programme for 2011 general election has been designed to return Agulu indigenes at all cost even if it means bringing them from other political parties to APGA for this mission. Every Anambraian must be aware of this plot. This is manifesting thus; 
25. Senator Joy Emordi – Former Senator of the Federal Republic Of Nigeria. She was lured from PDP to APGA to run for the Senatorial seat of Anambra North Senatorial Zone come 2011 – Agulu. 
26. Hon. Sylvester Okeke – Currently the Hon. Member representing Anaocha I Constituency in Anambra State House of Assembly, he was lured to APGA from PDP to run for 3rd term in the same position come 2011 – Agulu.
27. Hon. Joe Dimobi – Currently the Hon. Member representing Anaocha II Constituency in Anambra State House of assembly, he is being encouraged to run for 3rd term in the same position come 2011 – Agulu clan.
28. Comrade Ken Agajelu (Nwaeze) – Currently the Chairman of National Youth Council of Nigeria (Youth Council) Anaocha Local Government, he is being encouraged and presently running for Anaocha I Constituency in the Anambra State House of Assembly in APGA come 2011 – Agulu.
29. Barrister Anny Ilokoye – He is being encouraged and presently running for Anaocha I Constituency in the Anambra State House of Assembly in APGA come 2011 – Agulu.
30. Mr. Francis Okoye – He is being encouraged and supported to run for Anaocha I Constituency in the Anambra state house of Assembly come 2011 – Agulu.
31. Chief Mrs. Chukwuneke (Iruka) – She is being encouraged and supported to run for the Chairmanship of Onitsha South L.G.A in the on-coming L.G.A election come 2011 – Agulu.
32. Prof. Mrs. Dora Akunyili – Former Minister of Information and Communication, she was lured by Peter Obi to throw away the Anambra State Ministerial slot to Northerners and crossed over to APGA from PDP to come and run for Anambra Central Senatorial Zone come 2011. 

The greatest tragedy here is that Anambra Central is blessed with an erudite and world class scientist whose inventions and books are still used all over the world, the Rev. Prof. Peter Nwangwu, a classic gentleman and humanitarian who is loved greatly and widely by the grassroots throughout the Anambra Central Zone. From our extensive research, published information from a variety of sources including the World Wide Web has established many verified facts about the Rev. Prof Peter Nwangwu. Widely regarded as one of the top ten most educated pharmacists/pharmacologists in the world, he invented a screening methodology to identify drugs that can cure irregular heartbeat in 1976, a methodology for identifying heart attacks in 1981, and seven new drugs to correct irregular heartbeats which all are patented in the United States. Before returning to his home land in 2006 to help develop Nigeria, Nwangwu lived 34 years in the United States where his achievements were honoured with many awards including, “President Ronald Regan Republican Gold Medal” in 2005, “Man of the Year 2005” “The U.S. Congressional Medal of Distinction in 2006,” and the U.S. Business Advisory Council’s “Businessman of the year 2005.” With six degrees including four Doctorate degrees, Nwangwu is by far a superior intellectual talent for Senate than Akunyili. It is widely known that the only reason why Peter Obi a Catholic, brought out Dora Akunyili a Catholic, to compete against Rev. Prof. Peter Nwangwu, an Anglican, is the childish religious bigotry of Peter Obi. Unfortunately for him on this matter, the grassroots in the seven LGAs in Anambra central Zone are not interested in religious politics and have strongly rallied behind Rev. Prof. Peter Nwangwu. Shamelessly, Peter Obi has devised and initiated a Grand Master Plan to rig the APGA Senatorial primary election scheduled for January 8, 2011 in favour of Akunyili. The grassroots have drawn the battle line. First they have resolved to vote for Nwangwu everywhere. Then if the party still gives the mantle to Akunyili, APGA will burn to blazes. Peter Obi is both blind and naïve: First he cannot see that Dora Akunyili will not win a senate race in Anambra Central, the home of Onitsha Drug traders who Dora Akunyili destroyed completely to impress Obasanjo, while drug traders in Kano and Lagos who are far worse than Onitsha traders were not touched. The Onitsha traders have vowed that she will never go to senate and are now meeting. In addition, if APGA national executives yield to Peter Obi’s pressure and are silly enough to give the ticket to Dora Akunyili when Rev. Prof. Peter Nwangwu is the unanimous choice of the people, the disenchanted APGA grassroot will not vote for Akunyili in the general elections, thereby denying APGA the Anambra Central Senatorial seat. The APGA party leadership do not realize that should another political party give their Anambra Central Senatorial mandate to Nwangwu, APGA Party grassroots will vote massively for Nwangwu regardless of the party. Nwangwu is not the only aspirant that will suffer injustice from the imposition of Dora Akunyili on the people as their Senator. Although Nwangwu is the most popular, other Senatorial aspirants in Anambra Central Zone include Mr. George Ozodinobi, from Nimo in Njikoka LG, Mr. Emma Nweke, from Awka in Awka South LG, and Mr. Chukwunweike Maduekwe, from Umudioka in Dunukofia LG. George Ozodinobi who had served in the Federal house as a representative, was also a governor in Kogi state briefly. Emma Nweke is a businessman in Lagos, and Chukwunweike Maduekwe is a Lawyer in Lagos who is sponsored by Andy Uba.

What does Dora Akunyili actually believe about rebranding? Does the theory of rebranding Nigeria which she wasted billions of Naira of Nigerian money also allow Peter Obi to rig the APGA Senate primary election on her behalf? How can she in a rebranded conscience cross carpet from PDP, a party that made her everything she is today, to APGA? And why would APGA think she will continue to stay in APGA? Hypocrisy and political prostitution is not a virtue, even in a third-world country, and is especially most unacceptable from the Rebrander General of Nigeria. In the civilized world, political prostitutes are treated like lepers. So the statement of Peter Obi that Dora Akunyili will use her international reputation to get things for Anambra is totally useless because Akunyili has made herself look like a leper and therefore lost any reputation she had before in the civilized world. Prof. Akunyili should first go and rebrand herself and apologise to Nigerians for this gross insult on our personalities. Here is the crux of Peter Obi’s sordid affair with Dora Akunyili: We have learnt reliably that the game plan in pushing Dora Akunyili into Senate in 2011 is for Dora to become the Governor of Anambra State in 2014, so she can help Peter Obi become President of Nigeria in 2015, and then they will both cross over to PDP. 
The APGA state Chairman, Mr. Mike Kwentoh, Deputy state Chairman, Mr. Ifeanyi Udokwu, and the zonal Vice Chairman, Mr. Obi Mbonu, are among key APGA executives that Mr. Peter Obi is using to orchestrate and execute a grand plot to rig the Anambra state Central Senatorial primary elections. 
He has met with them many times and directed them accordingly on what to do. In addition, Peter Obi has brought all local government party chairmen and some strategic state executives for overnight meetings with them in which they slept at his home in the government house and at government expense, where he told them what they must do to achieve his goal. 
Here are some dangerous and unacceptable irregularities so far.
1. It is public information that around December 12, 2010, all ward chairmen were ordered to send their ward registers and a list of names of the 15 members of ward executives to the state secretariate. They still have the ward registers. This has never been done before. This gives the government a list of names to choose from to manipulate delegates.
2. At every local government Secretariate where L.G and ward executives were gathered to receive Dora Akunyili, a big register was used to gather the personal data of all the executives including name, post, ward, and phone number. This has never been done before or allowed for any aspirant.
3. There is a very serious plot to manipulate the delegates to the primary election. 
(i). Although the National Secretary of the party sent and authorized the sale of delegate forms to state secretariat over two weeks before the scheduled delegate election of December 22, 2010, Mr. Peter Obi ordered that the forms should not be sold in Anambra State. He held up the forms until about 6pm on December 21, 2010, the eve of the delegate election.
(ii). Although party constitution and National secretariat directive called for election of 10 ward delegates, Peter Obi and his men released only 3 forms to each ward, and directed that the completed forms be returned the following day, within less than 24 hours. A general atmosphere of confusion was created in most wards. No time was fixed for the ward congress, therefore people were disenchanted and confused, and only very few party members were aware of the congress. In many wards, the congress did not hold at all. Party chairmen simply chose 3 people to fill the 3 forms, in some cases with consultation with their wards, but in many cases without consultation with their wards.
(iii). At the point of submission/collation of the three completed forms with passport photos, the ward chairmen were directed to provide seven more names to make their list ten “delegates”.
However, the extra seven persons will not fill out delegate forms, or submit any passport photographs or particulars to identify them. This was designed deliberately to make it easy for them to substitute those seven face-less individuals in their grand plan to rig the election.
(iv). Although ward Chairmen were told that there were no more forms to give to the 7 “delegates” they were made to “manufacture”, plenty forms were freely available at government house and through top state officers as indicated and directed by government election rigging machinery. Peter Obi released all his aids and some staff to go to their wards and submit delegate forms to become delegates. They were given delegate forms. For example the principal secretary to the governor, Mr. Emenike Obi was seen at his ward, Agulu ward 3, where he came about 7pm on December 22, 2010, to have the ward chairman sign his own delegate form which he already completed and walked in with. After the chairman signed the delegate form, Emenike purchased an APGA membership card for the first time. So he became a delegate even before he became a party member. The plan is that these government and government controlled delegates will be used as the 7 person delegate per ward, which when added to the 3 “elected” per ward, will give the 10 elected delegates per ward. We learned that Uche Ekwunife bought five delegate forms for each ward as part of the government – controlled 7 person delegates, and she has been positioned in a line-up with Dora Akunyili so those voters will vote her for Federal house and vote Dora Akunyili for Senate.
(v). Peter Obi and his men have also planned two more events in their elaborate scheme to rig the election. First, although the party constitution and directive from the National secretariat empowered all 15 person ward executives to vote as delegates, there is a plan to limit it to only four; the ward chairman, secretary, woman leaders and youth leader. 
The goal is to over-power the vote of this four ward executives with the vote of the 7 “government delegates” in each ward. Secondly, they want to move the date of the senatorial election from 8th of January to 6th of January, the day for Federal house election, to make it easier for the 7 “government delegates” to vote for Ekwunife – Akunyili line-up. The plan is to swing these changes last minute just before the election in a manner that will not allow anyone the time required to stop it or complain about it.
(vi). There is also a plot to create outbreak of crisis at the election in one of several ways, including expanding any commotion that may arise from dispute on 3 delegates verse 10 delegates, or any other matter the grassroots may protest on. They will use the police and their thugs to cause confusion and then declare the election inconclusive. They have even planned to also use their thugs and agents to create crisis if Rev. Prof. Peter Nwangwu or any other aspirant is winning, and then declare an inconclusive election, they will then invoke a clause from the party constitution that states that in case of an inconclusive election the party has the right to declare anyone they want the winner.
These plots are evil and criminal. How can the state government machinery be used by Peter Obi in this manner? Where is your due process anthem Mr. Peter Obi, and where is our rebranded Nigeria? Why will Victor Umeh keep quiet and allow you to destroy APGA? Here are a few things you and your men miscalculated on:
(1). It is very clear to everyone in every ward that the so called ward congress elected only 3 delegates. In some wards INEC officials specifically documented the fact that only 3 delegates were elected during the congress. For you and your men to think that your 7 government delegates “manufactured” after the congress and outside the congress will be allowed to vote is a big miscalculation because it will never happen.
(2). All 15 ward executives bought and completed a different form for automatic delegates which were submitted and ratified as part of the ward congress. Therefore all 15 are duely elected delegates approved by ward congress. To think that you can discard 11 of them and only allow four to vote is a miscalculation because it will never happen. In addition, to think you can change the date of the Senatorial election from January 8th to January 6th so you can use your 7 “government delegates” in an alignment is a miscalculation because it will never happen.
We are watching you and your men closely and we have access to information from your meetings. And stop calling delegates to hotels to wine and dine them and then intimidate them to vote on government side. We have records and sworn-affidavits so you will not have a chance in court at the end of your rigging madness, if you continue.
• Great Aguinyi people and fellow Anambrians, we must rise against this madness and say NO to these injustices, subjugation, and intimidation by the Agulu Mafia. An Igbo adage says; “Anya ka okenye ji ara ifedinaofe”. If we in Anaocha LGA are so offended by Peter Obi and his Agulu Mafia, I wonder how very insulted our Six Local Government neighbours in Anambra Central must feel by this reckless insensitivity.
We must regain our freedom by casting our vote consciously. Our vote is our power. We must rise against any attempt to rig both in the various party primaries and the general elections.

Mr. Joe Igbokwe also alleged that "some Anglican Schools in Anambra State affected by flood recently are being forced into Catholic Schools against their wish. - 


  1. Propaganda using Catholic church by Obi's Urchins::::: twitter@MAZIODERAIGBO
    The Catholic Youth Awareness Group has demanded a written and published apology from the APC Governorship candidate, Dr. Chris Ngige for beating a Catholic Priest.

    In a release signed by the Chairman of the Group, Mr. Benjamin Nnoli and made available to journalists, the group said the written apology to the entire Catholic Church should be copied to the Bishop, the Priest involved and published in two National Dailies and the Diocesan newspaper, Fides.

    They also demanded an investigation by the Inspector General of Police since it was a police officer attached to Dr. Ngige that led the assault.

    The release warned that failure to do so would leave them no option than to take appropriate action against the act within the bounds of law.

    It will be recalled that on October 24th, at Nanka during the burial of the mother of the Bishop of Awka Diocese, Most Reverend Paulinus Ezeokafor, Dr. Ngige’s group manhandled Reverend Father Evaristus Ezeokwonna, the Parish Priest of St. John’s Catholic Church, Ezinifite and the Chaplain of Man of Order while he was carrying out a duty assigned to him at the function.

    The Group also condemned the incessant manhandling of priests by politicians some of who are assigned police security they do not merit and noted in particular, that Senator Ngige being a Knight of the Catholic Church should have known better.

    Mazi Odera
    Truth is our standard,accept it in good faith or
    we shove it down your throat.The Choice is yours.
    I am off but on

  2. But, Rev Father Ezekwonna alledged to have been slapped said he neither had any encounter with Ngige, nor did he (Ngige) or any of his security aides confront him at any time during the funeral at Nanka town Orumba North Council Area.

    He frowned at what he called campaign of calumny and display of desperation by some politicians, who he said, would do anything thing possible to win election including tarnishing the image of fellow brethren in the Christian fate.

    Also, in a release, Director, Media and Publicity in the Ngige Campaign Organisation, Charles Amilo, stressed that with Anambra State gubernatorial elections coming very close, people no longer have respect, and the organisation expects more of such.

    Amilo said the allegation is the work of fiction.

    Meanwhile, the Anambra Catholic Community has expressed dismay over what it called the use of the church as a weapon for political blackmail and name-dropping warning politicians to leave the Catholic church alone.

    According to Sir, Livinus Maduka who spoke to reporters on Monday on behalf of a body known as Catholic Faithful for Change (CFC), “The story of a senator attacking a priest of the Catholic Church is yet another display of desperation and rascality on the part of these politicians who must exploit every slightest avenue to marlin the image of their opponents.

    “Its is on record that Ngige is a Knight of St. John in the Catholic Church and has contributed immensely to the spread of the gospel though sponsoring of priestly ordinations, donations to parishes and Diocese projects in the Catholic Church. He has always stake the balance of assisting both the Anglican and Pentecostal community hence one wonders how he could go out of his way to attack a priest”

    He maintained that Ngige has security details and protocol officers who has the duty of ensuring his safety hence the story of him attacking a priest is baseless and cannot be substantiated in any form or manner



    Contrary to Governor Peter Obi's claim, the Rev Fr.-in-Charge of the Holy Ghost Adoration Ministries aka Ebube Muo Nso, Rev Fr. Emmanuel Obinma, has said that he never invited Governor Obi with the Obiano Campaign Team. He was therefore taken aback when the Governor stormed the Adoration Ground with the entire APGA Campaign Train, fully dressed in Campaign uniforms and started asking for support for the APGA after making a total of N15 million donations, and making a promise to construct the road to the Adoration Ground and send 20 Pilgrims to the Holy Land, Israel.

    The Priest said he had to accord him that respect as the Governor and deeply regretted the Stampede that happened that day too. The Priest said that though the Worshipers were shouting Onwa, Onwa when the Governor wanted to speak, there were no APC thugs wearing uniforms and waving brooms among the crowd, adding that if there were, the cameras would have captured them and therefore wrong to blame the deaths caused by the stampede on Ngige Supporters.

    It will be recalled that the stampede was blamed on Ngige supporters by Governor Obi, and even Victor Umeh recklessly called for Ngige's arrest, whereas it was their attempt to convert the Adoration Prayer gathering attended by about 100,000 people was the immediate and remote cause of the stampede and eventual deaths.
    The chicken are coming home to roost...what goes around comes around. Those who are lying with the name of God and the church better think twice as God cannot be mocked or His Holy name used in vain...The same people said Ngige slapped a Priest and the Priest said they lied; that Ngige or his aides never attacked him. Now they are lying about the Uke tragedy which they immediately or remotely caused by taking political campaign to a Prayer Ground and the Priest is also saying it is another lie they bare telling....


